Building the pro-democracy ecosystem for the future.

We are supporting strong candidates fighting fraud, fascism, and corruption.

Winning Back the House

Supporting candidates who fight fascists and fraudsters.

Targeting swing districts with data-driven precision where we can boost turnout.

Partnering with organizations across the country to drive crucial investments in key races.

Investing in calls-to-action in swing districts by mobilizing voters for GOTV, ballot chasing, and issue advocacy.

Meet the Team

Tristan Snell

Chairman & Co-Founder

Tristan Snell is a nationally renowned lawyer, influencer, author, and activist. He led the NY AG’s prosecution of Trump University, resulting in a $25 million settlement. He also crafted a landmark settlement of foreclosure fraud with Chase, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo, and was a part of the winning team on Boumediene v. Bush, which resulted in the first court-ordered release of detainees from Guantanamo. Tristan is a commentator on MSNBC and CNN, and the author of the new book Taking Down Trump.

Dylan Ward

Executive Director & Co-Founder

Dylan Ward is a veteran campaign and finance director who led the Working Families Party's super PAC for Pennsylvania in 2022, administering an award-winning relational organizing program. Following a PA State Supreme Court ruling less than one week before the 2022 midterms, Dylan led a statewide ballot chase initiative tracking down over 10,000 Pennsylvanians' at-risk mail-in ballots – helping Democrats win at the top of the ticket with Fetterman for US Senate, Shapiro for Governor, and flipping the PA State House for the first time in over a decade.

We must defend democracy by investing in key swing district races.